Common: to 5 pounds
Closed Season: None
Size Limit: 10″ pinched tail
Bag Limit: 5 per person
(10 per person snapper aggregate)
Florida Record: 16lbs., 8ozs.

Color dark brown or gray with reddish or orange spots in rows along the sides; dark horizontal band from snout through eye (young only): two conspicuous canine teeth at front of upper jaw; dorsal fins have dark or reddish borders; no dark spot on side underneath dorsal fin.Game Qualities: These fish may not grow to enormous sizes, but pound for pound, they are one of the best fighters around. Once hooked, they can be an excellent fight on light tackle, especially for their size.

Fishing Tips: Trolling is the top technique to catch kingfish. Troll almost any type of spoon or lipped plug of substantial size. When anchored and fishing for kingfish, use any type of baitfish including large greenbacks, threadfins, blue runners, and even ladyfish on a stinger rig.

Food Value: These fish at any legal size are EXTEMELY TASTY!!!

You’ve Gotta Try Captain Steve’s Baked Mango’s: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Dredge the fish inside and out with seasoned flour. Remove the seeds and membrane from the green pepper before chopping. Melt the butter in a baking pan and simmer the green pepper, celery and onion for 15 minutes. Add the drained tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, catsup, chili powder, lemon slices, bay leaves, garlic and salt and simmer until the celery is tender. Add a few grains of red pepper to taste. Press these ingredients through a potato ricer or food mill. Pour the sauce around the fish and bake about 45 minutes, basting frequently with the sauce.

Speckled Trout Spanish Mackerel Gag Grouper Snook Cobia Sheepshead Flounder
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  • Tampa Fishing Charters
    Hope everyone is having a great 2019 so far. Winter is here and has been pretty mild so far. Our Tampa Fishing Charters have focused on mainly good eating fish like sheepshead, seatrout, and flounder. We’ll have an occasional redfish, snook, black drum thrown in to keep it interesting. I’m happy to report that the […]