Common: to 20 pounds
Closed Season: Nov 1 – Apr 14
Size Limit: 16″ pinched tail
Bag Limit: 4 per person
(10 per person snapper aggregate)
Florida Record: 46lbs., 8ozs.

Color pinkish red over entire body, whitish below: long triangular snout; anal fin sharply pointer; no dark lateral spot.Game Qualities: Another excellent fighter making hard fighting runs towards any structure. They usually hit when the bait is sinking down towards the bottom. You must hurry when reeling them in, because they could get eaten by sharks or barracuda. Also make sure to pop the air bladder before releasing the snapper.

Fishing Tips: Red snapper are mainly found offshore around reefs, shipwrecks, and other types of structure offshore. The best way to fish for red snapper is a half frozen sardine, on a knocker rig.

Food Value: An excellent eating fish at any size, if cooked right.

You’ve Gotta Try Captain Tommy’s Snapper Supreme: Place fish in a lightly oiled baking dish. Lay onions over fish and sprinkle with oregano and lemon juice. Mix together parsley and tomatoes and spread over fish, then sprinkle with cheese. Cover tightly with foil and place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork.

Cobia Red Snapper Spanish Mackerel Red Grouper Tarpon Black Drum Snook
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  • Tampa Fishing Charters
    Hope everyone is having a great 2019 so far. Winter is here and has been pretty mild so far. Our Tampa Fishing Charters have focused on mainly good eating fish like sheepshead, seatrout, and flounder. We’ll have an occasional redfish, snook, black drum thrown in to keep it interesting. I’m happy to report that the […]