Common: to 8 pounds
Closed Season: May – Aug & Dec 15 – Jan 31
Size Limit: 27″ – 34″ pinched tail
Bag Limit: 1 per person
(stamp required)
Florida Record: 44lbs., 3ozs.

Distinct black lateral line: high, divided dorsal fin; sloping forehead; large mouth, protruding lower jaw; grows much larger than other snooks; pelvic fin yellow.Game Qualities: These are one of the most sought after fish inshore for their extremely hard fighting style. Snook are extremely smart and strong, and will not give up the opportunity to wrap your line around a piling or other means of structure.

Fishing Tips: These fish can be found mainly around bridges, docks, flats, and especially around mangrove shorelines. They can often be caught on shrimp, and any type of baitfish, especially greenbacks. The most exciting way to fish for snook is using a top water lure at dawn and dusk. They can also be caught on any artificial resembling a baitfish or shrimp.

Food Value: These are one of the best eating fish around! Be sure to de skin them , otherwise they will taste bad soapy… hence the nick name “soap fish”.

You’ve Gotta Try Captain Clay’s Beer Battered Snook: In a large bowl, mix together flour, salt, baking powder, and dill. Add beer, milk, and eggs; mix well. 2 Place fish fillets in batter mixture, coat well, and let stand for 15 minutes. 3 Heat deep fryer to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Place fish in hot oil, and fry until golden brown. Cook fish in batches to maintain oil temperature.

Snook Redfish Kingfish Speckled Trout Tarpon Spanish Mackerel Flounder
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  • Tampa Fishing Charters
    Hope everyone is having a great 2019 so far. Winter is here and has been pretty mild so far. Our Tampa Fishing Charters have focused on mainly good eating fish like sheepshead, seatrout, and flounder. We’ll have an occasional redfish, snook, black drum thrown in to keep it interesting. I’m happy to report that the […]